Hackathons – Open Innovation

Accelerate innovation and solve business problems with data and GenAI use cases.

Leverage data, AI, and transversal collaboration
to drive innovation and business transformation.


Acculturate and develop talents around
data/AI and GenAI use cases


Crack data problems with domain leaders
and key stakeholders


Deliver data, AI, and GenAI use cases

Hackathon: Crack data issues through a collaborative sprint.

Valeo’s first GenAI hackathon: Fast-tracking GenAI solutions in 2.5 days


A 2.5-day hackathon for 100+ Valeo collaborators and 16 Artefact data scientists and engineers to solve concrete business problems using generative AI. Following Artefact Open Innovation’s methodology, they were able to go from ideation to the creation of an MVP directly applicable to the business.

This pioneering GenAI hackathon generated over 600 innovative ideas, culminating in the rapid development and selection of three transformative GenAI projects, providing “Six months’ worth of work in under 3 days.” – Isabelle Fraine, Google Cloud Managing Director France.

A fast lane from idea to delivery

To foster innovation and AI acculturation


Diot-Siaci’s inaugural hackathon showcased the potential of AI to address key business challenges by focusing on streamlining processes and improving operational efficiency.

From the work of 9 multidisciplinary teams, 4 use cases were selected and 2 were delivered in the weeks following the hackathon.

Artefact mobilized 2 data scientists and 3 design thinking experts, enhancing the collaborative efforts and resulting in impactful outcomes.

This hackathon was rated 4,9/5 by participants.

“We were given first-hand experience of unique possibilities that AI can offer us to improve the day-to-day lives of our teams and our clients.”

Florence Louppe, Managing Director of Diot-Siaci Corporate Solutions


Orange Marketing MEA: from ideation to demonstration of the most valuable GenAI use cases in a minimum of time.

After a 1-day hackathon that brought together 40 CMOs from Orange MEA, 10 Artefact data scientists, 5 Google experts and 5 facilitators, 50+ ideas were generated, 3 use cases were selected and 1 was delivered within 6 weeks post-hackathon.

Experience rated 4.8/5 by participants.

Artefact Open Innovation has organized over 450 hackathons for clients in different business sectors, ranging from virtual hackathons to in-person or hybrid events.

What is a Hackathon?

Artefact’s hackathons leverage the latest in data and AI technologies and the power of cross-functional collaboration to rapidly prototype and pitch solutions to integrate into the company’s innovation roadmap. This methodology enhances business outcomes and accelerates decision-making processes.


“A hackathon is the new team meeting. It replaces multiple one-hour meetings with a single half-day to three-day event where teams from 20 to 120 people collaboratively tackle problems and make decisions faster. We support each team with design thinking experts and DS/DA/DE professionals for guidance and innovation.”

Lorenzo Croati, Partner Artefact

Why choose Artefact to organize your Hackathon?

A decade of data and AI consulting expertise paired with top-tier hackathon and C-level workshop organization.


10 years of experience organizing major data & AI events

150 clients who have trusted us to organize their hackathons

450+ hackathons organized in the last years


Over a decade of experience in data and AI consulting

1500 consultants with real-world use case expertise

Artefact hackathons: An end-to-end approach, from ideation to delivery.

Our dedicated hackathon organization taskforce offers diverse skills and expertise, including project management, event planning, marketing, and technical knowledge, to deliver a successful event every time.

Artefact’s eight-step process covers every aspect of the hackathon, from defining its objectives, scope, and format, to identifying the most valuable sponsors and partners, to providing post-event support.
