Immersion & Hands-on Innovation

Empowering teams through AI adventures.

Accelerate the emergence of a dynamic Data AI Gen AI, Community & drive your transformation towards concrete use cases and demonstrations by rallying employees around data AI Gen AI challenges, to foster internal acculturation. These one- to two-day events cultivate curiosity, inspiration, and enthusiasm around data, AI, and Gen AI.


  • Raise awareness that Data AI & Gen AI concerns everyone and that everyone has a role to play

  • Make participants aware of how they can use data to improve their day-to-day performance and show what is already being done

  • Foster a cohesive data community by bringing closer the Data Teams and the Business

  • Share the data strategy and its ambitions, milestones, and first successes

  • Inspire and demonstrate the value of Data & AI for organizations

The proposed experience

  • Participants sign up for 1 day of inspiring conferences with AI and data use case presentations by the ecosystem’s top internal and external experts to understand the potential of Data and AI

  • Participate in hands-on workshops for maximum engagement

Other identified benefits
for your teams

  • Accelerate your Transformation

  • Embark C-Levels/Sponsors on the data strategy

  • Retain & attract Talent

  • Make Data Teams more visible to the business

  • Engage the Business leaders and employees in Data Projects

What happens during a Data & AI day?

During a Data & AI Day, participants:

Enhance their understanding of internal data, AI, and Gen AI use cases.

  • Feel empowered to initiate their own Data AI, Gen AI projects, collaborating with data teams.

  • Explore use cases from various industries to cultivate a sense of urgency.

  • Gain insights from speakers representing diverse industries and startups.

  • Engage in hands-on workshops to acquire foundational skills.

Artefact’s approach emphasizes massive acculturation through a content platform, fostering networking and collaboration among attendees, and contributing to the development or strengthening of the internal AI and data ecosystem.

Opening & Data
Strategy Sharing

Introduction Speakers.

Working Session

Our tailored working sessions for your targeted 250 participants.

Team Building

A unifying VIP After Party held at of one of our most prestigious venues.

Keynotes &
Round Tables

An additional day of Return on Experience and inspiration (1/3)
A glimpse of our thought Speakers (2/3)
A glimpse of our guest stars (3/3)

Moet Hennessy’s Data AI & Day 2023

Designed to accelerate the formation of a dynamic data community, Data & AI Days foster innovation and excellence by uniting employees around common data challenges.
To organize a Data & AI Day, partner with your organization’s communications and/or data departments.

The proposed experience:

Top 100 managers
– Participants sign up for 4 round table with use case presentations intern expert of Moët Hennessy
– 15 extern ecosystem’s leading experts to understand the potential of Data and AI

Practical hands on workshops around 8 use case
Data Workshop to discover solutions

Our eco-system expertise

Data & AI Days are important tools for internal acculturation.
1 day to generate curiosity and willingness to Data, AI and Gen AI.

Our strengths

Artefact Open Innovation is organizing since 2018 the biggest DATA AI and Gen AI conferences with more than 10 major events per year in France, Switzerland, NYC, and the MENA Region.

Ranging from 500 to 6000 attendees, with 100 to 200 speakers.

We believe that acculturation efforts depend on sparking curiosity through inspiring speakers and subject matter experts to drive higher participation rates.

AI for Health

AI for Finance

AI for Industry

AI for Planet

AI for Luxury & Beauty

AI for Life

AI for Climate

AI for Brands

AI for Tourism