
Rainbow Tech & AI Summit - Amsterdam

Building trust in AI systems

Since the explosive rise of (Gen)AI, our digital interactions are increasingly happening through AI assistants. Think of chatbots powered by AI, voice assistants like Siri or Alexa, and virtual assistants like ChatGPT and Gemini. Because these AI assistant are training themselves based on publicly available information that can be put on the internet by anyone, they inadvertently also capture the many societal biases that still exist in our world. Even though many of these biases are often unconscious, they can become microaggresions towards minority groups, capable of causing harm. Think of discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, neurodiversity, sexual orientation or religion.

On the 9th of July, we discuss how to prevent biases from entering our AI systems and how to build trust using these AI systems. We will do so with Ronald Bekker (Global Head of Talent Services at Randstad), and with Brain Spaans (Head of Finance at Bunq) & Ali el Hassouni (Head of Data & AI at Bunq), who will present their point of view from the perspective of Randstand and Bunq. And of course, our Artefactors will show you a demo of Fierté AI. Afterwards, we dive into a panel discussion of which we will announce the members at a later stage. Stay tuned and sign up!

This is a free event.


  • 15:00 Walk-in

  • 15:30 Welcome

  • 15:45 Ronald Bekker (Global Head of Talent Services at Randstad) – Trust in AI for professional services

  • 16:10 Brian Spaans (Head of Finance) and Ali el Hassouni (Head of Data & AI) at Bunq – The collaboration between AI & Banking

  • 16:35 Demo Fierté AI by Sid Mohan (Director Data Science, GenAI & Causal AI) and Arthur Lambert (Senior Data Scientist) from Artefact

  • 17:00 Natasha Govender-Ropert (Expert in Residence at KickStart AI): Building Trust in AI Systems

  • 17:45 Network drinks


Ronald Bekker

Ronald Bekker, Global Head of Talent Services


Brian Spaans

Brian Spaans, Head of Finance


Ali el Hassouni

Ali el Hassouni, Head of Data & AI


Natasha Govender - Ropert

Natasha Govender - Ropert, Expert in Residence

Kickstart AI

Siddharth Mohan

Siddharth Mohan, Director Data Science & Global Lead for Causal Research & Marketing Mix Modeling

Artefact Northern Europe

Arthur Lambert

Arthur Lambert, Senior Data Scientist & GenAI Expert

Artefact Benelux

Arthur joined Artefact in March 2022, after obtaining two master’s degrees in the fields of mathematics and economics. Within Artefact, he worked on several projects involving Forecasting, Generative AI, and Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM) for several clients. In particular, he participated in the development of a causal MMM framework, to go beyond traditional methodologies.