
Meliá Hotels International x Artefact

How Meliá Hotels International transformed its PPC strategy (with AI & Google ML)


Paid Search has changed. Gone are the days of using granular SKAGs (single keyword ad groups) to control and measure ad copy combinations. Now, search marketers can automate keyword bid strategies and use machine learning to refine and optimise.

But how have brands responded to these changes? What’s worked? What hasn’t? And what does best practice now look like?

In this session, Artefact chats with Meliá Hotels International’s PPC team to discuss how the brand has successfully evolved its PPC strategies, automated bidding, and simplified its account structure to find the right balance between control and performance.

Covered in this session:

— How Meliá’s PPC tactics have transformed over the last 5 years.
— Top tips for switching to a simplified account structure.
— Brand performance bidding: how to find the right balance between control and performance.




