
Google x Artefact

Privacy-centric Direct-2-Customer Marketing with Machine Learning.


Privacy is an important concern for many consumers today and it is important to respect that while brands work towards building Direct-2-Consumer relationships. So if you are curious to understand the evolving Privacy landscape in the digital marketing space, want to understand the importance of 1st party data in this context and how you can leverage Machine Learning to still build a relationship with your consumers while respecting their privacy, then this is the perfect webinar. Get up to speed on Privacy, Cloud & Machine Learning, directly from experts at Artefact and Google and ask your questions, LIVE, during this webinar.


  • Insights on Industry Changes Today through a Privacy lens

  • Creating an understanding of identifiers in Google Marketing Platform

  • Leveraging anonymized data with Google Cloud Platform

  • Initiating a direct relationship with consumers while respecting privacy


