
Salon AI for Health x Artefact

Retrouvez nos experts au stand d’Artefact !

Innovation in health will impact all of us. Then, it has become our collective responsibility to learn, connect and understand what the health of tomorrow will look like. Indeed, to be informed of the current state of our healthcare system means to be ready to adapt to it and to push the boundaries of what our collective intelligence can achieve for the European health sector.

  • +1500 ATTENDEES

  • +80 SPEAKERS


The mission

We aspire to boost new initiatives in companies and to see the emergence of new collaborations around artificial intelligence projects. This initiative is an opportunity to allow various actors of both ecosystems, health and artificial intelligence, to meet up and share their experiences to drive AI innovation forward.

Demandez-nous votre Pass pour AI for Heath

  • En contactant votre Consultant Data Artefact habituel
  • ou en écrivant à marketing-fr@artefact.com pour un pass gratuit (valeur 300€ – nombre limité !)

  • ou inscrivez-vous directement sur le site de AI for Health