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Snowflake’s Snowday ’23: Snowballing into Data Science Success

6 December 2023|

As we reflect on the insights shared during the ‘Snowday’ event on November 1st and 2nd, a cascade of exciting revelations about the future of Snowflake awaits us. This article dives into the noteworthy data science features unveiled during the event, shedding light on the innovation and advancements that took center stage.

Unbundled CDPs, the CDP Market Disruptor

6 December 2023|

Customer Data Platforms (or CDPs for short) have been popular in the market for some time now, but the category truly came to full fruition around 2016-2017. As the category formed, some CDP vendors evolved from other existing business products and others started as pure CDPs, even the marketing clouds took notice of this fast emerging category. Today, the CDP is an established global category recognized by Forrester and Gartner, and has a thriving ecosystem of vendors with varying viewpoints and capabilities.

Artefact Honored as Pioneer in Composable CDP Solutions

6 December 2023|

Artefact was recognized today as an official Certified Composable Services Provider by Hightouch, the leading Data Activation company. Companies with this designation have been carefully reviewed and selected for their demonstrated expertise and track record in supporting the adoption of Composable Customer Data Platforms among enterprise companies.

Artefact Research Center

5 December 2023|

ARTEFACT Research Center Artefact Research Center: bridging the gap between academia and industry applications. Research on more controllable, transparent and ethical models to nurture AI business adoption for the future. Status in business. In recent years, AI adoption in businesses has stagnated. To illustrate, here is the share, in percentages, of respondents who say their organizations have adopted AI in at least one role. Source: McKinsey State of AI 2022 Untrustworthy AI examples. AppleCard grants mortgages based on racist criteria Lensa AI sexualizes selfies of [...]

Valeo organised its 1st Generative AI hackathon in collaboration with Google Cloud & Artefact

4 December 2023|

Valeo, a world leader in mobility technologies, has organised its first hackathon focused on Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). This strategic event focused on solving everyday and current business challenges. It was organised in collaboration with Artefact, a French company specialising in the deployment of AI technologies and advanced data solutions, and Google Cloud, which provides infrastructure and technologies dedicated to generative AI.

ba&sh Navigating eCommerce Transformation

23 November 2023|

ba&sh, a French women’s clothing brand, experienced a pivotal moment following an unprecedented surge in growth during the COVID-19 pandemic. This growth raised 4 key questions...

Cédric O rejoint le Conseil de Surveillance d’Artefact

16 November 2023|

Artefact annonce la nomination de Cédric O en qualité de membre indépendant du Conseil de Surveillance. Secrétaire d'État chargé du Numérique pendant trois ans, Cédric O a une connaissance très approfondie du secteur du numérique et a notamment œuvré au développement de l’intelligence artificielle en France. Cédric O contribuera à la stratégie de croissance d’’Artefact, qui ambitionne de devenir la plus grande société européenne de services dédiée à l’IA.

Artefact retenu par OVHcloud pour piloter sa stratégie de déploiement d’acquisition digitale à l’échelle internationale

6 November 2023|

Artefact annonce avoir été retenu, après une phase de sélection rigoureuse, par le leader Européen du Cloud OVHcloud, pour la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie d'acquisition sur tous les canaux digitaux. Les équipes d’Artefact ont notamment été sélectionnées pour leur proposition de valeur unique qui saura maximiser le ROI.

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