Fireside Chat

Nissan x Artefact

How Nissan is transforming in the digital world.


Since the coronavirus pandemic forced consumers into lockdown — and businesses into meltdown — the rules of marketing have changed completely. In a world where we’re all stuck at home, but living online, brands are under increasing pressure to think digital-first and optimise how they target and sell online.

But while FMCG or other fast-sales brands only need to worry about driving traffic to their ecommerce stores, brands that rely on footfall and in-store experience are facing much bigger digital transformation challenges. This is especially true in the automotive industry, in which manufacturers have long relied on customers visiting their physical showrooms to test drive before buying.

So, what can they do?

在这次炉边谈话中,尼桑汽车全球客户体验数据分析与报告主管Dév Rishi Sahani与Artefact ,解释了这家汽车巨头在过去一年中如何加速其数字化转型,并利用数据来推动运营效率和增加销售。