
DUISBURG (DE) – Thursday, January 31st, 2019 – metapeople Germany operates under the name Artefact Germany as of today, which concludes the global re-positioning of Artefact. The rebranding marks a new strategic approach of the German marketing specialists, which focuses on trend-setting automation technologies and the use of artificial intelligence. At the same time, the agency has significantly expanded its consulting unit. The international Artefact network, to which the Duisburg-based office has belonged since 2017, is today one of the largest independent marketing agencies in Europe.

“Digital marketing is changing, the entire industry is in transition: More than ever, a data-driven approach is an important requirement to remain competitive in the future”, explains Julius Ewig, Managing Director of Artefact Germany. In response to this change the agency implemented the new brand strategy in all areas of the company last year. The rebranding at this time represents the next step of realignment under a global brand.

"Our customers can count on consistent services worldwide, no matter in which market they are operating with us. This is how we provide a unique alternative to the non-transparent structure of media networks. We want to offer our customers maximum transparency at an international level."

-Julius Ewig, CEO Germany & Switzerland

The current portfolio of Artefact is based on four core business segments: Data Consulting, Creation, Activation and Technologies. The main focus in Germany has always been on digital marketing. For example, the company specializes in the dynamic field of AdTech activation. Part of the extended service portfolio is the expansion of existing consulting services in all areas of digital marketing. In addition, new technologies have been rolled out for the German market, enabling Artefact customers to fully benefit from the potential of a data-centric digital marketing field. The tagline “Marketing Engineers”, launched in 2018, underlines this revolutionary approach.

Competitive advantage: Global reach meets local expertise

In order to always be at the leading edge, Artefact invests a large part of its annual turnover in research and development. This enables the company to optimally assist its customers in acting competently and effectively in an increasingly complex digital landscape. “Our customers are centrally supported by first-class experts who have local contacts in every target market. Nobody else offers this combination.”

The Artefact Group offers scalable marketing solutions worldwide and has more than 25 offices in Europe, the United Arab Emirates, Australia and Asia, where the rapidly growing Chinese market is currently the focus of many companies willing to expand. The fact that Artefact can support its customers in all parts of the world with local expertise sets the agency apart from its competitors: More than 1000 marketing experts are spread around the world. This provides an agile alternative to the big agency networks, which often fail to bring their various companies together at a single point of contact, says Ewig. “Artefact is the answer many marketing departments are currently looking for.”

About Artefact I

Artefact (睿博(原Artefact-NetBooster SA)是一家建立在营销人员和工程师完美结合的数据机构。该机构与全球最大的品牌合作,通过新技术重新定义未来的客户体验。该公司在19个国家设有25个办事处,拥有1000多名员工,提供四种服务。数据咨询、创造、激活专业知识和技术开发(大数据和人工智能)。Artefact ,被评为2017年最具创新的机构。超过600个客户,包括100多个蓝筹股客户,如雅高酒店、Orange、家乐福、阿联酋航空、德国电信和Monoprix,都依赖于该机构深厚的营销经验。Artefact Artefact ,由法国著名工程学院Polytechnique的三位校友Vincent Luciani、Philippe Rolet和Guillaume de Roquemaurel创立,自2015年创立以来一直保持稳定的增长速度,2016年营业额翻了三倍。在Euronext Growth巴黎证券交易所上市。

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