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Will ChatGPT replace Google?

30 January 2023|

At the beginning of December 2022, the general public discovered ChatGPT, but can it replace Google as a search engine?

Why do we need a full search approach?

18 January 2023|

SEO and SEA channels are key components in the digital marketing mix for most companies, but there is often a lack of a joint marketing strategy. How can companies benefit from a full search approach?

OTTO ‘s tailored crawler to optimize SEO scores

14 January 2023|

OTTO is one of the largest online department stores in The Netherlands. With a wide range of more than 160.000 products, including women’s, men’s, and children’s fashion, multimedia, home, household, and garden appliances, customers can find almost everything for in and around their house at OTTO. Due to this large assortment of products, which must be up-to-date at all times, it is of great importance that all data is well-structured and that all processes run smoothly. The information that OTTO provides on its website is constantly changing, which affects the organic search results from search engines. Changes to the [...]

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