London - November 14, 2023 - Weborama, the Data Intelligence Platform, has formed a partnership with Artefact, the international marketing, consulting, and data science services company specializing in data transformation and data and digital marketing consulting.

Artefact will provide advertisers with a range of cutting-edge technological solutions, including the Data Clean Room from Weborama, while strengthening its data value proposition. The aim is to help joint customers and prospects with data transformation in the cookieless era.

Artefact’s mission is to transform data into business impact by delivering tangible results across the entire corporate value chain. Weborama’s one-stop-shop approach will enable advertisers to build their own data ecosystem so they can continue to create marketing strategies (insight, segmentation, activation, measuring) in a world without third-party cookies; the focus on the Data Clean Room to meet current market needs, enables:

  • Sharing and reconciling data, encouraging a better undestanding of consumers

  • Enriching data by opening up to data collaboration for high-performing marketing activations and advertisements

  • Guaranteeing security, confidentiality, and robust data governance

Weborama’s technology, an open, multi-cloud solution, is built on the power of Snowflake’s Data Cloud to break down data silos and unify data. This deepens actionable knowledge and offers a unique real-time view of these consumers in a way that is 100% secure and respectful of their privacy.

“Our 1500 employees work hard every day to bridge commercial and IT divides. Thanks to digital technology, data and AI, they transform organizations into consumer-centric leaders. Weborama’s tools allied with Snowflake will be an essential asset in meeting these challenges in an ever-evolving technological world.”
Florian Thiebaut, Managing Partner Data Marketing Practice Lead, Artefact
“This partnership with Artefact is an opportunity to support a larger number of players, by combining the power of our tools with Artefact’s knowledge and expertise in data. This alliance will enable us to help our clients carry out their data transformation with peace of mind and enter the cookieless era more confidently.”
Mykim Chikli, CEO EMEA, Weborama

About Weborama, The Data Intelligence Platform

Focused on data management and valorization, Weborama has developed and connected a set of technologies (in the fields of AI, semantic and behavioral artificial intelligence, data lake, data clean room, data science, insights…) that enable advertisers, agencies and publishers to acquire, retain and monetize their audiences and activate targeted, consistent and relevant advertising in the new cookieless, IDless and multi-device world. Weborama operates in Europe and the United States.


Artefact 是一家专门从事数据转换和数据与数字营销咨询的国际数据服务公司,其使命是通过在整个价值链中提供切实的结果,将数据转化为商业影响。

Artefact我们的独特方法在数据和业务之间架起了一座桥梁,使我们的客户能够以专注、高效的方式实现其业务目标。我们的 1300 名员工将多学科技能结合起来,帮助企业进行业务创新。从设计到部署,包括培训和变革管理,我们在人工智能领域的尖端技术和敏捷方法确保了客户人工智能项目的成功。我们在欧洲、亚洲、北美洲、拉丁美洲和非洲设有 16 个办事处,与全球领先的国际品牌合作,如 Orange、三星、欧莱雅或赛诺菲。


Kate Alexander – +44 (0)7788 584413 –

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