A luxury retailer with ambitious data goals partnered with Artefact to develop a customer-oriented data strategy. Artefact’s approach included developing a comprehensive maturity assessment, identifying opportunities for advanced use cases, and recommending a holistic enterprise data roadmap with business opportunities. This partnership resulted in the qualification of 21 marketing operations use cases, unlocking €3 million in value over a 3-year roadmap through new client acquisition, improved customer lifetime value, and optimised operational costs. Furthermore, the engagement facilitated the design of a target architecture and data collection strategy to effectively support the identified use cases roadmap.

In today’s hyperconnected world, where digital channels dominate the business landscape, does your business harness the full potential of digital marketing strategies?  The stakes are high, but the rewards are significant – businesses like yours, with mature digital marketing functions, report 18% higher revenue growth and 29% higher cost savings.

Roadblocks to your digital marketing maturity journey

The post-COVID era has witnessed remarkable growth in digital marketing investments, with consistent annual growth of over 10%. As companies strive to advance their digital marketing efforts and bridge existing gaps, significant investments are expected to continue. However, many organisations lack a coherent approach, leading to various pitfalls that slow down progress. This is similar to challenges faced by companies to achieve digital transformation objectives where around 70% of companies fail.

While companies are investing to transition to a cookieless world, implement Customer Data Platforms (CDPs), or employ hyper-targeting activation strategies. However, despite these efforts, many companies are falling short of their expected ROI and struggling to scale these initiatives.

Navigating the complexities of the digital marketing ecosystem requires assessing its completeness and relevance, and examining whether your current digital operating model effectively addresses your business challenges.

Kickstart your digital marketing maturity journey with Artefact

Do you know where you stand on your digital marketing maturity journey? And where do you want to be?  At Artefact, we help organisations embark on their transformational journey, where they first assess the current state, determine the desired future state, and create a roadmap that aligns with realistic expectations.

At Artefact, we help organisations embark on their transformational journey, where first assess the current state, determine the desired future state, and create a roadmap that aligns with realistic expectation

Assess: What is our actual maturity level?

To determine your data-driven digital marketing maturity level, we conduct a thorough assessment across various dimensions, leveraging Artefact’s unique seven-dimension framework. Our team of experts helps you identify gaps and prioritise areas for improvement, providing a solid foundation to initiate your digital transformation.

Vision: Where can we be in 3 years from now?

Once the current maturity level is established, we work with you to outline your digital marketing maturity goals for the next three years, ensuring they align with your internal resources, market dynamics, and industry benchmarks. By setting achievable goals, we help ensure a steady progression towards data-driven digital marketing maturity.

Deploy: Where should we start?

To kickstart your transformation journey, we help prioritise areas that deliver quick wins and incremental value. We help identify the top five priorities to launch within the first few months, focusing on initiatives that have a significant impact on your digital marketing performance. By prioritising the right initiatives and focusing on quick wins, we help you drive incremental value and launch your digital marketing efforts towards long-term success.

Artefact’s Expertise in Action

Artefact has collaborated with clients from diverse industries such as retail, luxury, pharma, consumer goods, transport and logistics etc. to help them assess maturity levels, define. Artefact’s project teams bring in expertise from media advisors, data strategy consultants, and media experts to evaluate and benchmark maturity levels.

Your journey to data-driven digital marketing maturity begins here. With Artefact, leverage our expertise in data, analytics, and digital marketing channels. We collaborate with clients to optimise their digital marketing efforts, capitalise on data-driven opportunities, and drive growth in the digital landscape.

Contact us now to claim your free initial consultation, and set your business on the path to digital marketing maturity.

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