Data Strategy guiding you along your data transformation journey.

We help our clients define the future state of business

We make your data transformation a success through three assets:
– a clear strategic vision,
– an understanding of the required enablers,
– a renewed data-first mindset.

We define and implement this data strategy with a proven consulting methodology to improve performance and give you the keys to maximise each project’s ROI:
– Identifying and interpreting all available data sources,
– ideating and launching AI use cases thanks to smart operating models,
– implementing said infrastructure and governance enablers on a company-wide scale.

While most actors have started building the foundations for their transformation, several challenges prevent the adoption of data at scale

Companies face a lack of business consistency with use cases scarcely fitting with long-term company ambitions, and few POCs coming to production due to a lack of anticipation of prerequisites, generating frustration.

Organizations experience a real challenge in recruiting and retaining scarce profiles, and misunderstandings often appears with business front-liners due to a lack of decoders.

Poor quality data result in long time-to-market and low accuracy. Unaware of these benefits, business front-liners show limited commitment to data governance, only perceived as a painful burden.

People misinterpret the idea “data is power”. By keeping their data in a proprietary ecosystem, organizations deprive themselves from the potential of external data sources to enrich their models. Further missed opportunities arise when people forget that they are a critical link in the data value chain.

Focused on shiny new techs, technical teams tend to forget business value, re-creating what are now turnkey solutions on the market, and can be reluctant to changing outdated ways of working in favor of agile methodologies.

Employees see AI as a threatening substitute, rather than a promising empowerment tool, and Innovations are often introduced as plug-and-play solutions with “magic inside”, leading to disinterest upon first failure.

The success of your transformation relies on three assets: a clear strategy, strong enablers and a renewed mindset

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