In 2016, e-commerce accounted for 8.5% of total global sales. From now until 2021, this figure is set to double, reaching almost 18%. It has become crucial for a brand to include this channel within their strategy and get to grips with how it works.

In 2016, e-commerce accounted for 8.5% of total global sales. From now until 2021, this figure is set to double, reaching almost 18%. It has become crucial for a brand to include this channel within their strategy and get to grips with how it works.

Amazon has established itself within this new ecosystem as a key leader with e-commerce market shares ranging from 20% in France to 50% in the US. More than just a simple retailer, Amazon serves as a strategic point of contact over the course of the customer journey. Since 2018, more searches leading to online purchases have been made on Amazon (54%) than Google (46%).

Advertisers must therefore now be able to control this ecosystem, not only as a distribution channel but also to build and promote their brand.

Our 5 key tips to guarantee your brands success on Amazon:

#1: Take care of your selection

The first step on your Amazon journey is to choose your product catalogue. Clearly, depth of range is a key ingredient of success that enables you to offer a comprehensive product range to your potential customers.

Nevertheless, we recommend bearing in mind 3 more rules:

  • concentration: do not dilute your investments (marketing and sales) on too many references.
  • longevity: ensure that your top products grow.
  • specificity: avoid a never-ending price war due to Amazon’s automatic price adjustment system (for sellers).

#2: Ensure your products are available

85% of users opt for a similar product from another brand when the one they were looking for is not available from the original brand. The need to anticipate demand, – by taking into account promotions, and your marketing calendar or Amazon highlights, – is therefore essential for brands.

Winning the buy box (the buy now button) is likewise a good strategy and an increasingly complex one in the light of increasing competition on Amazon. Price-monitoring, which is the key to winning the buy box – is therefore essential in order to allow you to adjust, if necessary, the prices of your products.

#3: Master your place on the digital shelf

On Amazon, 90% of a customer’s journey begins with a search, with 30% of these ending on the second page of the search results. Measuring and monitoring the first-page position of your products, especially for the first 3 product results, is therefore essential for a brand. To do this, there are two main levers at your disposal: improving the content of your product pages, in order to influence your organic position and using Amazon’s search advertising solutions.

#4: Guarantee qualified content

The quality of your product pages will directly impact the organic positioning of your products. Amazon uses the keywords in the titles or bullet points of your pages, along with the hidden keyword section to position products at the top of the search results.

At the same time, adding images, videos, but also enriched content (A+ or A+ Premium) will help convert customers once they get to your product page.

#5: Using retail media to move on up

Amazon’s advertising tools in both search and display can boost your brand’s positioning by targeting your prospects based on their searches or previous purchases.

A plethora of targeting and formats are available for brands. Here at Artefact, we strongly believe in two things when it comes to using this lever effectively:

  • define the business objective of your product or category in order to discover the most appropriate budget and activation plan
  • take into account retail insights (organic positioning, stock, price, etc.) as well as media indicators to optimise your campaigns in the best possible way

Seize the Amazon opportunity with Artefact!

The growth of Amazon represents a huge opportunity for your brand. To help you manage and develop your business on Amazon, Artefact has developed a comprehensive service offer based on a combination of human expertise and a dedicated tool: the Artefact Retail Suite. From the launch of a brand to its development, our teams can support you whatever your level of experience.

Want to know more? Then contact our specialists at Our team will be delighted to answer any questions you may have or audit your current Amazon shelfspace.