Creating quality content on Amazon is critical to a brand’s success and will influence two aspects of your activity.

Creating quality content on Amazon is critical to a brand’s success and will influence two aspects of your activity:

  • The ranking of your products in an Amazon search: The search algorithm is fundamental
    to how Amazon works. Indeed, 90% of purchases on the platform begin with a search.
    The first key to success on Amazon is that your products are taken into account by this
    algorithm and are referenced in search results.
  • The conversion rate: Users are sensitive to the quality of the product page content, which
    should reflect the product quality. Detailed descriptions, images and comments are vital
    assets for convincing visitors to go ahead with their purchases.

How do you create content adapted to Amazon’s features?

Here at Artefact, we typically take the following virtuous circle as our roadmap, focusing on a number of indicators that our proprietary tools allow us to monitor.

1/ Be Impossible to miss

Your brand must appear among the first search results (only 28% of users move on to the second
page). To optimise your organic listing, the Amazon algorithm takes several factors into account:

  • The relevance of the product, based on its match with the key search words entered,
    sales history, availability, but also secondary factors such as the number and quality of
    images and comments, advertising etc.
  • The textual content of your product page, which mainly influences the algorithm’s “relevance” factor. As a result, it is important to make the main keywords appear in strategic places such as the title of your product page (which should comprise the brand, model, category and the product’s key features) but also the hidden keywords. However, be careful not to fall into the “keyword stuffing” trap: Amazon penalises the artificial repetition of keywords, so it is important to vary the vocabulary chosen.

2/ Be Convincing

Quality content should go beyond simple optimisation of Amazon referencing. In our experience, an optimised product page increases the conversion rate of each visit by between 1.5 and 2 times. In addition to the title’s higher viewing, different content will help you to convince your visitors:

  • The product description is its identity card. It must give a detailed description of the
    product. To create an effective description, select between five and seven features that
    you want to communicate to your potential clients. Write them clearly and concisely using
    bullet points while incorporating keywords that you have not already mentioned in the
  • Images and videos are obviously the most influential part of the product page.
    Effectively, they allow the visitor to discover the reality of the product, thereby limiting the
    risk of disappointment after the purchase. Therefore, opt for the maximum number of
    pictures by multiplying the number of views and including lifestyle images to reinforce the
    brand’s world. Quality photos are essential because they reflect the product’s quality in
    the minds of potential customers. The addition of an advertising or product video is also a
    key asset when it comes to convincing the visitor. In fact, it is the most effective way to
    attract attention and enable the values and quality of the brand to be conveyed.
  • The A+/A+ Premium content, which appears when you scroll down the product page. It
    allows the user to be immersed in the brand’s world. It is also a chance for you to
    underline what sets you apart, to emphasise your values and to present similar products.
    According to a 2018 Amazon study, there is an average increase in sales of 20.2% on
    pages which have added A+ Premium content (paid) compared to a 5.6% increase for
    pages adding A+ content (free).

3/ Be Recommendable

The final means to convince a potential customer is to give them access to the feedback of their
peers, particularly with:

  • Detailed comments about your product page, giving the consumer reassurance about the
    product’s recognition. Amazon’s guidelines state that optimal product page recognition is
    based on 15 comments. Furthermore, there is a 65% increase in the conversion rate for a
    product page that moves from 0 comments to just 1 comment.
  • The average mark awarded by purchasers, which endorses the product’s quality. It is
    optimal from 4 stars out of a possible 5.

In order to generate engagement on your product pages, use the Amazon Vine programme or run promotions which will allow you to increase sales and therefore the number of comments left by purchasers.

Product page content is therefore inextricably linked to brand success on Amazon. It influences both referencing and product visibility in search results, and helps convince users during their visits.

The increase in sales in turn drives an increase in the number of comments, therefore boosting the persuasive force and consideration of your brand by Amazon’s algorithm. It is therefore the activation- or not – of this virtuous circle that plays a vital role in your product’s success on the platform.

Amazon’s growth represents an enormous opportunity for your brand. To help you manage and
develop your activity on Amazon, Artefact has specially developed a complete service offering based on the marriage of human expertise and a dedicated tool – Artefact Retail Suite. From the launch of a brand to its development, our teams can accompany you whatever the stage of the brand’s journey!

Do you want to know more? Please write to our experts at Out team will be more than happy to answer all your questions and to carry out an audit of your brand.