London and Paris; 23 May 2023

Global data consulting services specialist Artefact has formalized its relationship with Dataiku, the platform for Everyday AI. Leveraging the platform, Artefact enables customers to adopt AI in all areas of their business in order to perform data-driven decision-making that delivers return on investment (ROI) throughout the organization.

Dataiku simplifies approach to AI and drives ROI

Dataiku provides one central solution for the design, deployment and management of AI applications. Applicable for all industry sectors, the platform enables data and domain experts to build AI into their daily operations and combines technical expertise with business acumen to enable new AI capabilities across the organization. This democratic approach to data allows collaborations across previously silo-ed departments to deliver deeper intelligence, improve productivity, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

A Forrester Total Economic Impact study for Dataiku demonstrated that its approach can drive 423% ROI over three years, while saving 75% of data scientists’ time and enabling a 90% reduction of repetitive, manual reporting tasks.

Artefact helps clients leverage their data for Dataiku AI platform

As a member of Dataiku’s Partner Network, Artefact supports Dataiku clients to help them maximize opportunities for ROI. It takes an end-to-end approach to enable data transformation through a combination of strategic understanding, technical expertise, business experience and project management capabilities. Artefact teams facilitate Dataiku platform installation, provide data consulting services and create data strategies, design responsible data governance policies, and deliver user training to upskill all employees.

Artefact’s role helps customers to extract the full value from data wherever it is in the organization and use this to create and power AI models that enhance day-to-day operations.

Artefact and Dataiku success stories

Artefact and Dataiku have collaborated on several successful digital transformation projects.

French telecom company Orange wanted to optimize its call center service by upgrading the labor-intensive process used to analyze call volumes and patterns and more accurately predict shifts in customer behavior resulting from external events. Artefact’s data science team used Dataiku to develop two new types of automated machine learning models; predictive models delivered a new and precise way to forecast call activity, and explanatory models analyzed the factors that influence variations in call volumes, thereby providing insights for senior management. Implementing these at Orange using the Dataiku platform resulted in a total of 36 machine learning models being deployed, the ability to detect up to 65 queued calls, and a 92% accuracy rate when forecasting call volumes.

A major global retailer wanted to adopt business-relevant and customer-related KPIs to enable it to make informed decisions about marketing activities and monitor their performance. However, the company had multiple data sources (such as CRM, customer transactions, campaigns, products, and media), and it lacked standardized, automated processes for analyzing the success of marketing initiatives. Using Dataiku, Artefact’s data analysis team created two products to provide a cohesive view of the company’s global activities. The client insight card shows essential KPIs and insights into key customer behavior, and the test and measurement dashboard tracks the performance of email and customer relationship-building activities.

Artefact is certified Dataiku Analytics Partner

Artefact has 84 Dataiku certified employees, ranging from Advanced, Sales, Basic, and Train the Trainer (124 certifications in total). These trained specialists work with customers to implement the Dataiku platform and ensure that it delivers the benefits that will enhance their business.

“To truly benefit the enterprise, AI cannot be limited to select areas of the organization. We work with Dataiku to facilitate ‘the democratization of AI’ so that it becomes an integral part of daily operations. That goal is underpinned by ensuring customers can derive full value from the wealth of data they hold – ultimately facilitating better business outcomes.”
Vincent Luciani, co-founder and CEO of Artefact
“Our certified analytics partners are selected based on their capacity to help us deliver for our customers on our belief that AI is for everyone, regardless of their ranking within the company or whether they have a technical or business role. Artefact’s dedication to data and its teams that embody this are the ideal foundation for our platform, helping us to smooth the AI journey for organizations in all business sectors based on their individual needs.”
Sofian Benali, VP Partnerships EMEA at Dataiku

About Artefact

Artefact is an international data services company specializing in data transformation and data & digital marketing consulting, whose mission is to transform data into business impact by delivering tangible results across the entire value chain.

Artefact’s unique approach, which bridges the gap between data and business, enables our clients to achieve their business objectives in a dedicated and efficient manner. Our 1300 employees combine their multidisciplinary skills to help companies innovate their business. Our cutting-edge technologies in Artificial Intelligence and our agile methods guarantee the success of our clients’ AI projects, from design to deployment, including training and change management. Covering Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America and Africa through our local presence in 20 offices, we work with leading international brands such as Orange, Samsung, L’Oréal, or Sanofi worldwide.

About Dataiku

Dataiku is the platform for Everyday AI, enabling data experts and domain experts to work together to build AI into their daily operations. Together, they design, develop and deploy new AI capabilities, at all scales and in all industries. Organizations that use Dataiku enable their people to be extraordinary, creating the AI that will power their company into the future.

More than 500 companies worldwide use Dataiku, driving diverse use cases from predictive maintenance and supply chain optimization, to quality control in precision engineering, to marketing optimization, and everything in between.


Kate Alexander – – +44 (0)7788 584413