Artefact Corporate Social Responsibility
Combinez data et les transformations environnementales pour un plus grand impact.
Artefact’s internal CSR strategy
We aim to reduce the environmental impact of our activities by engaging our ecosystem in a collective dynamic of impact reduction.
Following the completion of its latest carbon assessment, Artefact has committed to a reduction plan covering all emissions generated (Scope 1, 2 and 3).
By 2030, Artefact is committed to reducing its GHG emissions by 55% by acting on the following key levers:
- Sustainable media: refine the collection of our media data through the implementation of a measurement tool
- Green mobility: reduce our employees’ air travel by implementing a business travel policy
- Ecoefficient offices: switch to renewable energies and reduce energy consumption
- Responsible purchasing: define and implement a Group-wide responsible purchasing policy
- Transversal initiatives: raise awareness & train our employees
We are committed to addressing the key social issues of our sector, which in particular focus on diversity & inclusion and access to knowledge in the world of AI and Data.
Diversité et inclusion
Data & AI democratization

Artefact supports associations helping people to integrate tech & data careers.
Through this support, we have launched an internal Impact Program enabling our employees to get involved by taking part in pro bono projects, skills sponsorship or mentoring.
As a leader in our sector, we need to promote responsible and trusted use of AI and Dat,a working to define standards for their use.

Artefact aspires to transform data into value. Data and AI raise ethical issues that must be addressed at the highest professional standards.
As one of the leading global players in data services, we have set up an ethical data charter including 10 principles that guide our commitment to proactive ethical behaviour, at each step where we process data.
Trusted AI
Artefact, as an AI leader, is committed to the development and use of safe and responsible AI, which respects fundamental rights and is secure.
To ensure this, Artefact is LabelIA certified and renews this certification every two years.
Our clients CSR commitments
Artefact is also committed to supporting its customers in addressing these new sustainability issues
Raise awareness

Awareness-raising is a key lever for engaging our customers and their employees in a responsible approach.
The green hackathons organized by Artefact help to raise awareness among all stakeholders, and launch a process of reflection and momentum on the challenges of more sustainable data & AI.