Data for Sustainability




Structure your sustainability data

结构化可持续发展数据,尤其是为 CSRD 等注册要求做准备。

Measure sustainability indicators


Act on your environmental footprint



无论您的行业是什么,您都面临数据收集和结构化的监管要求。Artefact 可确保数据的透明度和可审计性,防止处罚,节省时间,便于披露 ESG 报告,尤其是 CSRD 报告。


衡量并报告关键绩效指标(KPI),以计算 ESG 的影响,并致力于采取恰当的行动

Artefact 为您提供两大影响力衡量流:

1.遵守监管要求的财务外报告(如 CSRD)

通过我们的现有资产(ready-to-use assets),如 ESG 数据模型和关键绩效指标(KPI)词汇表,Artefact 可以从选择财务外报告工具到构建可持续发展关键绩效指标(KPI)为您提供支持。



Artefact 帮助揭示每个运营团队的环境足迹。这使他们能够实施和跟踪其减排轨迹,并在必要时及时做出调整。

Artefact 使零售商能够衡量电子商务对生态的影响,以便管理战略、减少碳排放并让客户参与生态转型。


Artefact 帮助您对整个价值链中的数据用例进行鉴定和优先排序,以确保它们满足您的可持续发展挑战和业务目标。



Artefact 组织的黑客马拉松实例:
我们组织了一次黑客马拉松活动,为行业利益相关者部署低碳解决方案提供了便利,开发了 13 个可能实现产业化的项目。

Iindustrialized solutions


Artefact 工业化解决方案实例:我们开发了一套系统,用于预测销售情况并优化产品的日常生产。

Our expert content about Data and AI transformation and Gen AI.

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The Sound Shift: How Generative AI is Redefining the Music Industry's Business Model

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PoCs in generative AI have proliferated, mainly in large companies. But few initiatives have been industrialized due to their complexity. Hanan Ouazan, Partner and Generative...


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Fierté AI: The open-source GenAI assistant that protects against microaggressions and reduces bias

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Hanan Ouazan, Partner & Generative AI Lead at Artefact at the Adopt AI Summit – Generative AI Introduction

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Vincent Luciani, CEO and cofounder of Artefact - Opening keynote at the Adopt AI Summit

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Artefact hosted an exclusive seminar in our Shanghai office tailored specifically for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) to delve into the world of Generative AI (GenAI)...

