Cloud services and certifications

We boost your business with flexible, secure cloud infrastructure, guiding you from migration to optimization.


Elevate your business with Cloud Services.

In an era of rapid digital transformation, cloud technology is essential for staying competitive. Cloud Services provide the scalable, secure infrastructure your business needs to adapt quickly to changing market demands.

Whether you’re migrating to the cloud, optimizing your existing environment, or building a hybrid solution, our comprehensive consulting services help you achieve the flexibility and agility needed to thrive.

A Cloud platform brings enhanced scalability, cost-efficiency, and improved collaboration.

Why move to the Cloud?

Why Move To The Cloud? From Cost Savings To Enhanced Scalability

  • Scalability and Flexibility: Quickly scale your IT resources to match business needs, ensuring you can respond rapidly to market changes.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduce capital expenditures by shifting to an operational expenditure model, paying only for the resources you use.
  • Enhanced Security: Benefit from the latest security technologies and best practices provided by leading cloud providers.
  • Business Continuity: Ensure high availability and disaster recovery capabilities, minimizing downtime and protecting critical data.
We are your trusted partner in Cloud transformation

We Are Your Trusted Partner In Cloud Transformation

  • Certified with all major Cloud platforms: We are tech-agnostic working with all cloud providers, AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM, OVH, etc and all open source platforms.
  • Cloud Readiness Assessment: We evaluate your current IT environment to determine the best path to cloud adoption.
  • Cloud Migration: We seamlessly transition your data, applications, and processes to the cloud with minimal downtime.
  • Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Solutions: We design and implement flexible solutions that combine public and private cloud resources for optimal performance.
  • Cloud Optimization: We continuously improve your cloud infrastructure’s performance, security, and cost-effectiveness.

Our Cloud & AI Partners.


Google Cloud
Open Source
Open Source
Open Source

We are tech-agnostic, working with all cloud, hybrid and on-premise client infrastructures.


Artefact is a Certified Partner for both Google platforms:
Google Marketing Platform (GMP) & Google Cloud Platform (GCP).


Introducing SKAFF, our open source platform of AI accelerators.

SKAFF is composed of independent and reusable AI enablers. You can imagine these accelerators almost like Lego bricks, with each piece performing a task such as pre-built connectors, libraries and models.

我们将这些 "砖块 "打包,以便在必要时重复使用--因此,我们的客户可以对它们进行配置和有效组装。我们的解决方案可以无缝地集成到现有的传统系统中,以实现快速的可扩展性,同时也可以提升数据能力。


Medium blog articles by our tech experts

Is Preference Alignment Always the Best Option to Enhance LLM-Based Translation? An Empirical Analysis

Neural metrics for machine translation (MT) evaluation have become increasingly prominent due to their superior correlation with human judgments compared to traditional lexical metrics

Choice-Learn: Large-scale choice modeling for operational contexts through the lens of machine learning

Discrete choice models aim at predicting choice decisions made by individuals from a menu of alternatives, called an assortment. Well-known use cases include predicting a...


The abundance and diversity of responses to ChatGPT and other generative AIs, whether skeptical or enthusiastic, demonstrate the changes they're bringing about and the impact...

How Artefact managed to develop a fair yet simple career system for software engineers

In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving tech industry, a career track can often feel like a winding path through a dense forest of opportunities. With rapid...

为什么需要大型语言模型操作 (LLMOps)

This article introduces LLMOps, a specialised branch merging DevOps and MLOps for managing the challenges posed by Large Language Models (LLMs)...

Unleashing the Power of LangChain Expression Language (LCEL): from proof of concept to production

LangChain has become one of the most used Python library to interact with LLMs in less than a year, but LangChain was mostly a library...

我们如何使用Treasure Data Unification和SQL处理配置文件命名的统一问题

In this article we explain the challenges of ID reconciliation and demonstrate our approach to create a unified profile ID in Customer Data Platform, specifically...

Snowflake的 Snowday'23:滚雪球般地取得数据科学的成功

As we reflect on the insights shared during the ‘Snowday’ event on November 1st and 2nd, a cascade of exciting revelations about the future of...






我们与Smart Park合作,这是一家荷兰公司,提供先进的传感器解决方案,以保护濒危野生动物...

在Vertex AI上部署Stable Diffusion

本文将向您提供一份指南,关于如何在谷歌云上以Vertex AI部署Stable Diffusion模型(一种流行的图像生成模型)。