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19 June 2023|

Artefact, in partnership with Meta, conducted an in-depth study to two Media Mix Modeling (MMM) approaches: Meta's Robyn and Artefact's Graphical Causal Model (GCM). In this whitepaper, both models are explained and examined in detail. In addition, both models are tested in a pilot with five international FMCG brands after which the results are compared.

生成式人工智能 (Generative AI)

13 June 2023|



8 June 2023|

在Artefact ,我们坚信,数据是关于人的,所有的人。我们做出的每一个决定和提供的数据驱动的服务都旨在消除偏见,提高准确性,并确保相关性,反映我们所服务的独特人群,因此,我们在今天和我们所塑造的未来的每一个行为中,都支持多样性和培养包容性文化。


1 June 2023|

On Thursday 18th May, Artefact hosted their London AI Summit, in collaboration with Google and Microsoft. Here, experts and thought leaders on both artificial intelligence, digital marketing and data science discussed the emerging trends in the industry. Artefact's Heads of SEO and PPC presented the following speech on what Generative AI will mean to the future of search.


1 June 2023|

Get ready for a data-driven extravaganza where diversity reigns supreme and inclusion is the name of the game! Today, we're diving deep into the vibrant intersection of data and diversity, uncovering the remarkable impact it has on businesses and beyond.


31 May 2023|



31 May 2023|

一个新兴的旅游目的地必须确保一个临界质量,才能被认可为 "必去 "的目的地。下图说明了此类旅游目的地的四个阶段。这种演变代表了理想的增长途径;虽然不是所有的旅游目的地都能达到高级阶段,但这应该是他们的目标。


31 May 2023|

As several countries in MENA strive to strengthen their positions as global tourism destinations and travel hubs, data analytics and intelligence have become crucial to establishing global presence and gaining competitive edge. In fact, data can help these countries break the growth deadlock of emerging destinations by fueling marketing excellence, stimulating supply creation and improving visitor experience.


25 May 2023|

Quelles sont les grandes mutations du secteur de l’achat média ? Comment les agences et l’écosystème s’adaptent-ils ? Le retail media sera-t-elle la nouvelle figure de proue du média digital ? Notre panel d’experts issus des agences médias et acteurs du secteur de l’achat média nous livrent leurs observations et intuitions pour 2023.
