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Artefact et Treasure Data s’allient pour permettre aux marques de concevoir des expériences client personnalisées

22 June 2023|

Paris, le 27 juin 2023 – Treasure Data™, fournisseur d’une Customer Data platform (CDP) parmi les leaders du marché, annonce aujourd’hui un nouveau partenariat officiel avec la société internationale de conseil en services data Artefact, dont l’objectif est d’accompagner les marques dans la conception de leurs parcours client.

Marketing & Media Measurement Report – In a Privacy First Ecosystem

19 June 2023|

Artefact, in partnership with Meta, conducted an in-depth study to two Media Mix Modeling (MMM) approaches: Meta's Robyn and Artefact's Graphical Causal Model (GCM). In this whitepaper, both models are explained and examined in detail. In addition, both models are tested in a pilot with five international FMCG brands after which the results are compared.

Generative AI

13 June 2023|

Tool interfaces through prompt usage become much more intuitive, visual & effortless for end-users. It puts powerful technologies in the hands of everyone. Generative AI technologies create new and original content, such as images, text, or even entire scenarios, based on patterns and examples they have learned.

Embracing Diversity and Ethics: Unleashing the Power of Inclusion!

8 June 2023|

At Artefact, we firmly believe that data is all about people, all people. Every decision we take and data-driven service we deliver aim at eliminating biases, enhancing accuracy, and ensuring relevancy, reflecting the unique populations we serve, so that we stand for diversity and foster an inclusive culture in every act, today and for the future we shape.

What does Generative AI mean for the future of search?

1 June 2023|

On Thursday 18th May, Artefact hosted their London AI Summit, in collaboration with Google and Microsoft. Here, experts and thought leaders on both artificial intelligence, digital marketing and data science discussed the emerging trends in the industry. Artefact's Heads of SEO and PPC presented the following speech on what Generative AI will mean to the future of search.

Data intelligence for tourism destinations.

31 May 2023|

Tourism boards or destination authorities must first know which phase the destination is in, and understand the strategic imperatives needed to evolve to the next phase. They should then identify the data use cases required to address each strategic imperative and select which data use cases to prioritize for each phase, as indicated in the chart above.

The four phases of tourism destinations.

31 May 2023|

An emerging destination must secure a critical mass to be recognized as a “must-visit” destination. The diagram below illustrates the four phases of such tourism destinations. This evolution represents the ideal growth pathway; while not all destinations are able to reach the advanced phases, this should be their objective.

The growth deadlock of emerging tourism destinations.

31 May 2023|

As several countries in MENA strive to strengthen their positions as global tourism destinations and travel hubs, data analytics and intelligence have become crucial to establishing global presence and gaining competitive edge. In fact, data can help these countries break the growth deadlock of emerging destinations by fueling marketing excellence, stimulating supply creation and improving visitor experience.

Les grandes mutations de l’achat média en 2023

25 May 2023|

Quelles sont les grandes mutations du secteur de l’achat média ? Comment les agences et l’écosystème s’adaptent-ils ? Le retail media sera-t-elle la nouvelle figure de proue du média digital ? Notre panel d’experts issus des agences médias et acteurs du secteur de l’achat média nous livrent leurs observations et intuitions pour 2023.

Artefact et Dataiku démocratisent l’adoption de solutions IA pour faciliter les prises de décisions des entreprises au quotidien.

23 May 2023|

Artefact, société internationale de conseil en services data et IA, officialise sa collaboration avec Dataiku, leader international de l’Everyday AI. Grâce à la plateforme de Dataiku et à l’accompagnement d’Artefact, les entreprises peuvent s’appuyer sur l'Intelligence Artificielle et la donnée pour faciliter leurs prises de décisions dans tous les domaines de leur activité et obtenir un retour sur investissement (ROI).

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