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How Generative AI reinvents data sharing for more personalized, secure marketing

4 January 2024|

Combining data exchange with generative AI enables banks to manage data more efficiently. This synergy promotes more personalized banking experiences while meeting the trust, legality and data accuracy requirements expected by their clients and stakeholders. Because the marketing sector faces the same challenges, Artefact has built a use case for improving persona creation, utilizing IBM’s platform powered by generative AI.

Artefact et Mistral AI collaborent pour façonner l’avenir de l’Intelligence Artificielle Générative en Europe

22 December 2023|

Artefact, leader français dans le déploiement de technologies d’intelligence artificielle et de solutions data, et Mistral AI, nouveau champion de l’élaboration de LLMs (Larges Modèles de Langages), annoncent leur collaboration stratégique pour transformer l’IA générative en Europe. Dans un contexte d’adoption massive par les entreprises, Artefact et Mistral AI souhaitent relever les défis liés aux LLMs (Large Language Models). Leur intégration dans les projets d'entreprise a montré des résultats prometteurs, mais présentent toujours des limites.

BASIC-FIT ’s 10x marketing leap

21 December 2023|

Learn how Basic-Fit leveraged Funnel's connector library to set-up data transfers 10x faster than alternatives, accelerating implementation speed by 8 weeks.

The role of data and AI in empowering climate action

15 December 2023|

At the "AI for Climate" networking event held on December 6, 2023, at COP28 in the UAE, Artefact brought together a diverse audience. The event provided a platform for participants to connect, collaborate, and engage in dynamic discussions surrounding climate challenges and potential solutions.

Gen GenAI Greetings Cards 2024

11 December 2023|

Seasonal Greetings created by GenAI, sublimated by Artefactors. Visit our Artefact's gallery of unique artworks, designed for you.

NISSAN Erhebliche Effizienzgewinne bei der Gesamtsuche

8 December 2023|

Businesses want to make a profit and improve ROI - they are continually seeking to innovate and improve performance while simultaneously reducing cost. Driving efficiencies in digital marketing can help and our role at Artefact is to help our clients achieve this.

Generative AI Unveiled for CIO: Strategies and Solutions

7 December 2023|

Artefact hosted an exclusive seminar in our Shanghai office tailored specifically for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) to delve into the world of Generative AI (GenAI) corporation landing in strategies and solutions. With approximately 15 CIOs in attendance, the seminar proved to be an enlightening gathering of industry IT peers.

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